Experience/ Erfahrung

The best recommendation is our experience and earlier tours and explorations. We offer our support since few years and in cooperation with different companies and offices. Below you can see some examples.
Die beste Empfehlung ist unsere Erfahrung und frühere Touren und Exploration. Wir bieten Hilfe seit paar Jahren in der Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Firmen und Ämter. Unten können sie paar Beispiele anschauen.
  • Sightseeing and looking for roots with family Schoen from Germany in Włocławek and in Gotha/ Erfurt + making of film for Bauhaus-Universitaet in Weimar (Germany)
  • Expeditions with Dr. Dieter Rahn from Germany and Benno Bonkowski, Louie Schultz,  Gary Schultz from US to the flooded village Dąb Wielki and lost cemetary in Dzierżążnia (both in Poland) eulentraum.eu/index.php/wloclawek-leslau

  • Searching for hidden house in Zasadki and cemetary in Michałki (Poland) with family Bishop/ Lasner from Canada/ US/ Australia
  • Meeting and sightseeing in Toruń (Poland) with Susan Butler from US during Creativity Days in Warsaw (Poland)
  • Searching for roots in Włocławek of family Zabler from Germany